Friday, October 4, 2019

Review: Magic Heist

Magic Heist Magic Heist by Mary Karlik
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While this book wasn't exactly as wonderful as the first book, in my opinion, it was still very wonderful. Also, if I'm being honest, both books were very cheesy. I think that's what makes them both charming to me. I also have to give the author points for creativity and uniqueness. She managed to make very popular topics shine in a brand new light. It's like she made the impossible seem possible. I can't wait to continue this series. Especially with the way it ended.

The characters are all great, but I can't lie. Sometimes I got a little overwhelmed and confused with all the characters. I adore Layla, but there are times she kind of gets on my nerves a bit. I adore Ian as well. He could be a book boyfriend, but there are times he just lacks the flair I need and want in a book boyfriend. He's still amazing though.

I have no complaints where the narrator is concerned. Her name is Ruth Urquhart. I am pretty sure she did the first book as well, but I'm not a hundred percent. I'd be curious to try other books she has narrated quite frankly. I'd love to know if the accent in the book is her real accent. It's so adorable!

This has been a great journey that I'm excited to continue on to see where it heads. While this may not be one of my favorite book/series of all times, I have enjoyed it quite a bit. I've enjoyed seeing familiar things in a new light. It's been quite enlightening and enjoyable. I'm glad I was introduced to these books.

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